Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Changing Perspectives - 1084 Words

Changing Perspective Linda Collazo PSY/220 May 29, 2011 Abigail McNeely Changing Perspective People, especially diverse people of contemporary times commonly look at other people, situations, or life events with different perspectives. Sometimes looking at other people, situations, and life events with different perspectives cause people to make snap judgments without factual knowledge. Contributors such as personal beliefs, religion, culture, mood, personality, and relative situations can influence an interpretation of a person or event, cause a snap judgment, or possibly change another perspective. Other contributors that add influence to the common influences of perspectives and judgments are environments and†¦show more content†¦The woman’s personal beliefs can be innate from learning experiences or a genetic inheritance that reflects her personality type. Innate learning experiences or genetic inheritances of accepting people of any race is possible in making a snap judgment to rent the apartment to the multiracial family. The family inquiring about the apartment rental may have an influence regarding the woman’s mood too. Something in the situation such as politeness and enjoying the company of the children in the family may have set the motion for the woman’s mood. Another spark in the woman’s mood can be a reflection of her own children and family situations. Remembering her past, for example, maybe the woman and her husband are immigrants from the Old World and difficulties with living arrangements were part of her early family experiences. Another example of personal experience can be knowledge to a similar situation quite rewarding in one way or another. Religiously the woman in the scenario can similarly view the situation as going against the grain but from a different perspective such as going against the grain of her higher power and accepting all individuals. Many factors contribute to what influences individual perspectives and subsequent judgments according to the perspectives. Com monly one influence can lead to another influence, for example, innateness, andShow MoreRelatedThe Concept of Change ... and Changing Perspectives1431 Words   |  6 PagesChanging perspectives†¦Change is a process, a transition or an alteration that affects different aspects of our life. As a result the forces of change can seriously affect the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of individuals. The affects of change can have a positive or negative outcome. These affects can be viewed in all three of the texts that we have studied for the Area of Study. 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